Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Week 6, #14 - Explore Technorati

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the Technorati videocast to play, but I read through the info. on the page.
If you have a lot of time and want to read a zillion blogs, this is the place to go to find them. If you are interested in an obscure topic, this might lead you to info. you might otherwise miss. My search for Learning 2.0 resulted in 30,704 blog posts, 264 tags, and 72 in the Blog Directory. It was interesting to look at the favorite blog sites and most popular, but really, Antonella Barba and Clay Aiken are in the top 3? What is the world coming to, anyway?
I think the advantages of tagging are that you can use the insights of others to find related things in ways you may have missed. The disadvantage, though, is that there is no control over how others tag, so you may end up with unrelated information. People may or may not be using the most appropriate words to tag, so you end up having to sift through lots of poorly tagged stuff.

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